levitation (not a tutorial but some tips)

these are the few of my favourite levitation photos..
back in UTP i was having levitation fever..
due to the yowayowa's cool photos..
so i asked zoann for a little project of us about levitation..
ever since i have posted my levitation photos..
ppl around me have been asking the same question over and over again..

so i decided to give some tips, not a tutorial though..
BTW this post is about how to take your own levitation photos without other's help=)
The reasons i prefer levitation taking by timer are it is more satisfying than asking anyone to take your levitation shots, you can include yourself in your photos and you can fool people =) 


1. What you need?
- camera (with timer)
- tripod 
- bright ambient light or external flash
- comfortable shoes, NO HEELS

Don't worry, it is fun and easy =)

2. There are some basic things you need to be aware of. 
- shutter speed more than 1/500
- steady tripod
- your counting with the camera's timer

If you are using digital camera with no display of shutter speed, then my suggestion is to take it in the afternoon where the sunlight is abundant. 

As for the tripod, if you do not have one, you can find a flat surface to put your camera. 

Now, the most important thing is the timer. You need to know what is the timing for your camera to start the shooting. For 10 sec timer, it is 17 SEVENTEEN blinking and when the LED is paused, count 4 sec and start jumping, e.g. "1,2,3,4----- jump". Basically, i will always ignore the earlier 17 times of blinking. Instead of that, i focus on the the moment the light pauses and count for 4 sec. Well, this is for my Canon EOS DSLR's 10 sec timer and i am not really sure how do your cameras work. Do check out your camera's timing.

3. The levitating styles
In few trials, you will surely get the photos. After that, to enhance your photos, brainstorm some ideas for your levitation shots. 

The posture of your levitation is important too. Like how to jump, how much should you bend your legs, where to put your hands etc etc.

As for me, i always have the problem of putting my hands. 'cause if you are jumping, your hands will be in awkward positions to stable your body. To curb this problem, i always find object (newspaper or public phone) to hold or put it into your pockets. 

Always think the levitation posture 1st before you start shooting, 'cause it takes lotsa energy to "levitate" around=)

That's all, hope it helps..
i am not teaching or guiding..
i am sharing =)

credit to yowayowa.

Sunday 16 October 2011

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about ME

ok you make it to the bottom, this is just a simple blog where i will hopefully post photos of mine everyday..enjoy..