my childhood

i am joining this double like something Canon contest..
and i have to try my best to submit non-edited photos for 1 month according to the themes given..
FYI is 2 photos for each theme (each day)..
let me do some math here..
i have missed 1st four themes and the most recent 1 which sum up to 10 photos..
despite all the misses, what i am enjoying is the thrill of cracking my head to fulfill the themes..

and these 2 photos are actually for the theme of "sweet memories, my childhood friends"..
LEGO was my favourite =D
last night i was playing with LEGO and i missed it so damn much =(
finding the right piece to solve your imaginary puzzle is just so nostalgic..

and enjoy my LEGO pieces =D

ps: i saw my B&W photos in Canon's album *touched*

and last question: do girls play lego too?
am not sexist but just curious =D
enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

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about ME

ok you make it to the bottom, this is just a simple blog where i will hopefully post photos of mine everyday..enjoy..