First time is always the best moment to recall, but first step is always the hardest thing to execute in the world. Everyone has their own first time, be it first kiss, first date, first dental appointment or first bicycle ride. Do you remember how nervous were you back then to ask for your first date? Or do you remember how hard you cried for your first tooth extraction? There are so many first times that I can't remember them one by one, but there are some special ones that I will never forget.
Well, this post is not about my embarrassing first time as everyone wish to know. It is about my first few photos I took when I first got my DSLR. You know, when you want something so badly, you visualize what you are gonna do with them when you got it. I can still recall, what were the things I wanted to do before I bought my DSLR - light painting, blur background (apperture), fast shutter etc. I mean who doesn't wanna do that? Those are so amazing things you can see when you browse thru' the galleries of photographers around the world.
I still remember the first night I got my camera. I told myself I wanna do something special. So, light painting came across my mind. The concept of painting in your photos is just way too amazing. Till now, I am still amazed with the artworks of the photographers. Light painting requires dark surrounding. So, I waited for my family to sleep and I turned off the light in the living room. Got my handphone as my light source and moved my hands around as if I were painting. Though, the arrow photo is not that nice, but it is something to me. Back then I was so happy 'cause deep down in my heart I know I can do light painting like those photographers. And that night was the night I discovered the concept of slow shutter.
I always wanted to take some photos with blur background. Back then, I was always fascinated by the photos that have sharp focused object with blur background. Soon, I found out it can be done by adjusting the apperture of your camera. And so, I brought my camera to the garden and shot leaves, flowers and trees as you can see. I got so excited when I can blur the photo by adjusting my apperture 'cause you can't really do that with digital cam.
The photos are not satisfying, but till now I can still feel the excitement when my hand first grasped my camera. The feeling is just too priceless. This is my first time. How about you?
Hope this post can trigger all the sweet first time's of everyone :)
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